Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekly Prescriptions 7/6/2008

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Welcome back, everyone, to another round of Weekly Prescriptions with your favorite Doctor Dozer. First and foremost, happy belated 4th of July to everyone, even our international readers. I think it's worth while to take some time to honor our Founding Fathers. When you think about what was done on our Independence Day in 1776, it really is quite profound. A group of individuals representing a handful of colonies maintained by the British wrote and signed a letter telling the strongest nation in the world to piss off. Signing that document was like signing a death warrant, but they did it because they believed in freedom and liberty and a nation of states that could encompass these ideals. They paved the way for many other nations to do the same: to commit themselves to democracy and freedom. Without an army, without a unified government, without any decent weaponry, they did all that because they thought it was right for them and for their children and for their children's children. Many people, then as now, stood against what they believed in, but they signed that document and won their independence for their families and their countrymen. Don't ever forget that their vision is what America stands for and is the reason America is able to stand at all. Just a thought...

Anyway, here is your weekly dose of Doctor-prescribed goodies. I hope you enjoy them.

1. Charters of Freedom
In honor of our Independence Day, here is a site that gives you a chance to reread (or read for the first time) the text of the document. It also gives you a chance to look at some of the history of its creation. I strongly encourage everyone to just give a look to the document that gave this country its start.

2. Fantasy Football Calculator
For those of you who forgot, SoBDD and myself are huge fans of fantasy football. As this is the time of the year when champions are truly crowned, I'll try to drop you some of my favorite free fantasy football sites each week for the rest of the summer. This first site, Fantasy Football Calculator, is a great site for mock drafting. Its simple design, its clarity of purpose, and its easy interface is perfect for most serious drafters. It offers 8-14 team drafts and lets you pick whatever spot you want. The chat is usually pretty good if you want to see how people react to your picks and if your defense of them is adequate.

I really believe in mock drafting before your league's draft. It gives you some idea as to where people value players, gives you some idea of how different strategies work in your drafting slot, and shakes the dust off of your drafting mentality, taking you through the paces before the big day.

3. Butt Genie
I literally chuckled aloud to myself after I read this. How appropriate for the my tastes in humor. I really hope you can appreciate it yourself.

4. 10 Worst Bank Robberies Ever
Idiots are fun to laugh at. Failure is funny. Pathetic people are a gift unto themselves. If you agree with any of those statements,

5. Gay Zombies
And last but certainly not least, a little more gay humor for you to enjoy. This video was posted on College Humor, so you should trust its hilarity for that reason alone.

Alright, well you guys have a great week, and may God have mercy on your souls.

Doctor Dozer

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