Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekly Prescriptions

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Hey guys,

Welcome to the most recent concoction of old-fashioned medicine from Doctor Dozer himself. "Weekly Prescriptions" will be a Sunday evening posting by yours equivocatingly of websites that I've stumbled upon over the course of the preceding week. For those of you that don't know, StumbleUpon is an add-on for web browsers (FIREFOX 3!!!) that asks you to tell if preferences, and in return, upon clicking on its button somewhere in your browser window, it directs you to sites you may enjoy. My tastes trump those of all other individuals, so I figure its only fair to pass on the wonderful sites that StumbleUpon suggests to me based on my perfect interest to you the reader. So weekly I will link you to sites ranging from beautiful pictures to articles on blogs or news sites to web games or videos or anything else you can think of. I wouldn't post it here if it weren't earth-shatteringly awesome, so take the time to check it out. Good luck.

World of WifeCraft
I am not a WOWer myself, but I found this video to be both refreshingly clever and downright funny. Basically, it's about a group of gentlemen that are big nerds, love World of Warcraft, but suck as husbands. To solve their marital problems, they are hypnotized into believing that their marriage is a MMORPG. That's the outline, but it's much more hilarious than that, so give it a watch.

15 Unfortunately Placed Ads
The short-sightedness of others never fails to make me giggle, and this is a perfect example of that tendency. The people that posted these ads are quite simply idiots. But as such, it makes me laugh quite hard. Take a look, have a laugh.

Australia Day Perth
This is just a really pretty picture. Not much more I can say about it. It'll take literally 20 seconds for you to look at it, so what are you waiting for?

The 75 Skills Every Man Should Master
Immediately after reading this I sent it to a number of friends and told them to read it because of the nostalgia, elation, and contentedness I felt after reading it in its entirety. One of my friends told me that those feelings were the result of the gay pornography I had blaring on my TV, but all the same it's a good read. It'll bring back the glory days and give you good ideas about how to spend your free time (without, of course, sacrificing any of the time spend reading our blog).

The Napkin Project
This is a great site with a ton of stories to read. Basically, Esquire send out napkins to all these contemporary authors and asked them to write down any kind of story they wanted. They were simply limited to the canvas of the napkin. Their responses were nothing short of amazing in the span of styles and stories that they responded with. Click through the stories in your spare time and find some gems.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the first segment, and be sure to check back next week (and every week) for my over the same. And I almost forgot; you smell like BENGAY!

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