Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Weekly Prescriptions: 8-24

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Sorry I missed you all last week. We had our fantasy football draft on Sunday so SoBDD was down visiting and much preparation went in to making it a fantastic draft experience. So this week we will resume with your regularly scheduled Weekly Prescriptions. On a side note, I've been taking Pepcid AC because I cannot stop burping. That's my personal daily dose, but yours will be much sweeter after the jump.

1. Beijing Olympics Wrap Up Photos
Not much else to be said about that. Some cool pics of what was a great event. Although our softball team is a joke. Losers.

2. Goddamn Batman
This is how I feel almost all the time. I get urges to call people retards and remind them of my identity while placing a "god damn" in front of it. What an absolute bad ass...

3. Travis Pastrana
I just stumbled upon this and remembered watching it happen a few years ago. What an awesome stunt. Balls. On my chin.

4. Charles Manson's Epic Answer
I don't know much about Manson, but I know that this video scares me and creeps me the hell out. Holy crap.

5. Statue Pics
You'll get exactly what you're expecting from this site. Statue pictures. And lots of them.

6. Real Robocop
People hate when science fiction has bad science. Well, Robocop's science just got a little more real. Check this walking S.O.B. out. Not too shabby for a cripple.

And that'll do it this week. See you soon.

Your Doctor,

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