Thursday, July 31, 2008

So an intro Eh?

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My name is Torshin and I am video game addict. I've been playing video games ever since I was a little kid and haven't stopped since. Was first a huge console fan and was first hooked on play-station and N64 and then around nine or ten I discovered the beauty of online gaming and it all went down from there. I love the internet and I love the fact that it allows you to be who ever you want to be, but as of late I have become more and more cynical of it as we hear more stories of kids killing themselves over Facebook or eloping to Jordan because of a boy they met on Myspace. So as the newest member of BIBTTP I will be writing about all that is wrong with technology and the internet in general these days with a bit of my views on politics thrown in once and a while.

To start us off I'm going to mention BBN Technologies Inc. current pet project for which they recently received 12 million in government funding and a large amount of dedicated bandwidth to, well basically replace the internet. The name for this project is Global Environment for Network Innovations(GENI) and it is supposed to take a clean slate approach to the internet to fix serious security issues. Now looking at this very optimistically this project could drastically fix serious problems facing the internet such as transfer of copyrighted materials and things of that nature. But I look at this as government regulation of internet content, aka China. These are the kinds of things that interest me and these will be the kinds of things I will be writing about.

1 comment:

Sons of Big Daddy Drew said...

As you said, Torshin, the internet can be a scary place. So what's a nice Canadian boy like you aboot these parts? The Mounties aren't going to be able to always help you out, fwend.