Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Breaking Bad Season Finale...

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Was disappointing. Yeah, it kind of was. I would like to continue to defend the show, however, and blame the finale on the rush job that was caused by the writer's strike.

Damn you, writers' strike. Despite being resolved already, I hate you so much. I had to wait for Lost, I still haven't seen the Office, and a number of good shows were cancelled. However, the worst part of the writers' strike is the effect it had on the creative licenses of certain shows, namely Heroes and Breaking Bad. I'll stick to Breaking Bad on this post, but I think Heroes may have got it even worse.

Breaking Bad's premier season simply was not resolved. After a phenomenal episode 6, the 7th and final episode did little but tie up some loose ends, but it certainly didn't bring the season full circle as I had been expecting. Walt basically hammered out the details of his deal with Tuco, and we saw more of his violence. They stole some chemicals from a factory. Then there was a close call regarding getting caught in Jesse's basement due to his open house. But they didn't get caught. But all these things are gimmicky bricks being laid for future episodes.

Which brings me back to the writers' strike. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying here. I don't favor one side over the other and frankly don't know enough of the details regarding the issues to have an opinion. I just hate that the event had to happen. It ruined the stretch for Breaking Bad, a show that was intended to have a 9 episode season but was cut to 7. I really wish I got to see what they had originally intended, and I blame YOU writers' strike. You big jerk.

On my next post, why strip clubs just aren't that cool.


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